
日期: 栏目:秀秀体育 浏览:43 评论:0


2. Expecting your partner to read your mind.期望对方读懂你的想法You don’t want to communicate too much, but you also don’t want to bite your tongue and expect your partner to know what you’re thinking. If you’re waiting for someone to read your mind, you’re never going to feel like an equal in the relationship. You need to say what you’re thinking and feeling, just make sure your partner understands that these are your emotions and opinions, not something you’re forcing on them.你不愿意过多交流,但你也不要只字不提就指望对方懂你的想法。若你只等待别人来懂你,那你将永远感受不到恋爱时的平等。所以你需要将你所想、所感表达出来,让对方能够理解你的情感和观点,而不是强迫对方接受。3. Giving in without saying what you think.什么都不说就放弃Don’t roll over and give up everything you’re thinking just to resolve the problem at hand. Your partner can’t win every time, and you need to make sure you’re letting your feelings be known and getting what you need from the relationship, too. If you never say what you think because you’re trying to keep the peace, you’ll find that over time you’re actually holding a grudge and resenting your partner because you’re unhappy in the relationship.在处理问题的时候,不要拖沓,也不要放弃表达想法。你的爱人不会每次都能猜透你,所以你需要确定对方知道你的感受,同时你也要从恋爱中得到你想要的。如果只为了和平就掩埋了你的想法,久而久之你就会觉得自己充满怨恨并厌恶对方,因为你在恋爱中不快乐。